Do you want to know more about the videogames industry and how to get a job on them? This is your section! During the next few months, you will be learning concepts that will come in handy in this journey. In today’s chapter we will be talking about resumes!
The resume is primordial when you are trying to find a job. It’s your presentation card, all the things that the companies you aspire for will see about you. It is possible that in just a quick look the recruiter will know if you are the one they want for the position or not, so it’s important to know how to do it well.
Structure the information! Make sure to add the relevante experience for the job you apply for, and don’t hesitate to modify it and having various templates if you’re applying for different positions. Think about the good things you have done, even if you never had experience in other companies... making tiny games counts too! It’s not about telling the recruiter how you prepare your breakfast, but don’t let too much relevant information out.
Here comes the big question... No, it’s not necessary (or mandatory) to make a visual resume to get a job in the videogames industry. Actually, despite the fact that there are some companies that likes that type of resume, this is still like a suit: the traditional one, well organized, has less possibilities to fail. For example, the recruitment agencies prefer the traditional resume over the visual/graphic one. The most important thing is the information, demonstrable experience and all about your professional career and formation. The fact of making it more or less fancy isn’t going to replace a (necessary) technical test. Remember, the important things lies within!
Despite popular opinion, when you use slash/stars to demonstrate your knowledge about tools and different types of software, you will draw attention over the tiny ones (and therefore, the ones you have less experience in) and not over the ones you are more experimented with. In this case, it’s like putting the spotlight over your weaknesses, despite your effort to draw attention to the strengths. There are people that use colour codes too, like a traffic light, to point the areas they have more experience. In this case happens the same: the recruiter is going to focus on the things you have less experience if you put it in red (colour that leads to danger, caution). It is very important to pay attention to those details!
The knowledge over tools will be demonstrated on the technical testso it must be pointed in the resume in the most traditional form possible. Why? Because it never fails. Originality is something perceivable, and there isn't any rules about the universal conception of originality, even less in a resume! The perception of the information depends on the person that will see it.
Be smart, get informed and, if you don’t have people who can help you to know what they like or don’t like in the Human Resources of his company (and Google can’t help you, neither), play it safe. That way you will be sure that it won’t generate rejection and can be clearly understandable. A good resume will be judged by its content, more than for its form. Think about how will the person that sees it will evaluate it… and good luck! Doing a nice resume is a hard task and requires a little craftyness sometimes, but always with common sense and professionalism. At the end of the day, this is about making yourself the best bet possible and a good investment for the company.
Do you want to know more about the videogames industry? Make sure to check Juan Pablo Ordoñez’s Twitter account!!
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